
  • SuperCharge your business with AI
    You have can you have 99 problems but AI ain't one
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Did you answer that prospect on time or did he quote with your competitor?

We have been there as well. We thought that we have the perfect sales funnel and, hey, prospects can wait no?

Truth is that 99% of the companies take way too long answer new prospect.

Your counter attack plan is called SuperCharge Bot an AI powered chat bot trained and custom for your needs. We integrate with Whatsapp, Google my Business, Zoho Clic and Slack
Chai bot me

How long do you take to look up for information in your pdf database ?

So you have tons of data, pdf in your hard drive, hopefully in a cloud. Great. Have a question about it? Better. Let's ask Karen to look up for the information. Oh wait Karen is off today, i guess i'll wait until tomorrow to answer that customer question. <

That's 1 problem too many. SuperCharge PDF allows you to question all your data in a under 1 minute. So you can have a chat with your company bot and have your answer inmediatley.
AI my PDF's